School Partnerships
At Restorative Services we believe that schools and community are one unit and partnerships with all sectors of the community are essential to helping young people reach their maximum potential. Community collaboration with school districts complements and reinforces values, culture and the learning opportunities that schools can provide for their students. In other words, all of us — teachers, parents, businesses, nonprofits, service clubs and the like — working together… can truly make a difference in the lives of our young people.
Restorative Youth Leadership Program®
For over twenty years, our program has been providing schools, law enforcement, and community agencies with alternative options for addressing behavioral concerns and delinquency issues with our community young people.
Most recently, we have worked directly with the River Falls Renaissance Charter Academy on the development of what we’ve proudly titled our Restorative Youth Leadership® (RYL) program – a prevention and early intervention program built upon the foundation of Restorative Justice principles and practices.
Many of our young people have had exposure to traumatic events, have serious anxiety and other mental health concerns, or are dabbling in risky behaviors and choices. Often, these issues go ignored, leading to increased concerns and/or involvement in the juvenile justice system.
Restorative Services uses our Restorative Youth Leadership® model to help young people stay healthy, in school and out of the juvenile justice system. We believe that effective diversion is about actively engaging with our youth in a meaningful way by inviting them to participate in group dialogue about important, relevant to their lives, topics. The Restorative Youth Leadership® program has been developed as a holistic school-based model.

RYL Premise: “As participating students gain familiarity with the concepts and the practices of Restorative Justice, they will model desirable behaviors and skills for their peers with the ultimate premise that leadership is about who you are – your values, ethics, and principles. Our belief is that by nurturing a sense of leadership, young people will be encouraged to become positive members within their community.”
– Restorative Services Staff
Student Feedback
Throughout the academic year, we actively seek input from students at key intervals – at the program’s commencement, midpoint, and conclusion – to gather valuable feedback and continuously enhance the program based on their insights.
In what ways have sessions been helpful for you?
“Group has made it easier for me to talk to my classmates, and to talk through some of my issues.”

What do you enjoy most about sessions?
“I like being able to just talk. The facilitator is super nice and we have really good conversations.”

In what ways have sessions been helpful for you?
“It’s helped me to feel more comfortable with people and helped me open up more.”

Want to Learn More?
For more information about our Restorative Youth Leadership® model or partnering with our organization, contact us!